Funeral Celebrant - Master of Ceremonies
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Simple Meditation... Loving Kindness
The practice of Loving-kindness or Metta is meditation for a peaceful heart. You will find a PDF copy of these instructions at the bottom of this page.
The practice of Loving Kindness can be applied while quietly sitting, standing, walking, while washing the dishing or when lying down, in your everyday life, it will help to overcome sadness and loss, and all sorts of negative emotions and inevitable difficulties, problems and challenges we face.
Use this formula and develop a sense of loving kindness accordingly, by quietly thinking:
May I be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to me.
May no difficulty come to me.
May no problems come to me.
May I always meet with success.
May I also have patience, courage, understanding and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems and failures in life.
May my parents be well, happy and peaceful.
May the rest of my family, husband, wife, partner, children, brothers and sisters, also be well,
happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them.
May no difficulty come to them.
May no problems come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage, understanding and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems and failures in life.
May my relatives and friends be well, happy and peaceful
May no harm come to them.
May no difficulty come to them.
May no problems come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage, understanding and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems and failures in life.
Even those who would wish me harm, who would hurt me, may they also be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them.
May no difficulty come to them.
May no problems come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage, understanding and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems and failures in life.
May all living beings, near or far, seen or unseen, born or coming to birth, weak or strong, large or small, without exception, without limit or boundary, be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them.
May no difficulty come to them.
May no problems come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage, understanding and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems and failures in life.
May all beings be well and happy.
Instructions for sitting meditation (apply the same if laying down)
Sit comfortably keeping the upper part of your body straight, your chin tucked in a little.
You can sit on a chair if sitting on the floor is not comfortable.
Gently close your eyes, place your hands in your lap, palms upwards, right hand upon the left hand, with thumbs just touching each other.
Relax the body, part by part, from top to bottom. If there is tightness somewhere in your body simply tell your muscles to let go.
Now gently focus your attention on the space just below your nose, and note the in-breath as it enters and the out-breath as it leaves your nostrils.
Breathing in, breathing out. Nothing else to do.
If you hear a sound, or something takes your attention, gently bring your mind,
your attention back to the breath.
Calming the mind.
Breathing in, breathing out.
When you are ready, with this calm, peaceful state of mind, develop the sense of loving kindness to yourself, to your family, your friends and relatives, spreading out as far as you can, to all living beings,
wherever they may be.
Then when you are ready quietly take rest and come out of your meditation, becoming aware of where you are sitting, gently open your eyes, sitting for a few moments before moving, and then only gently and mindfully.
Take this calm peaceful feeling with you throughout your day.
It is a blessing to be able to calm down your mind.
It is so peaceful to experience this calm and peace.
It is being a true friend to ourselves.
It is practising loving kindness to ourselves.
May you be well and happy.
Please click here to print out your own copy of these instructions for Loving Kindness - Metta Practice and Sitting Meditation, or feel welcome to give to someone you feel may benefit.
Wishing happiness and a peaceful mind and heart.